The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2012

Following are the salient features of the amended Lokpal bill passed on 17/12/2013 by the Rajya Sabha: 

 1. Lokayuktas: The new bill mandates states to set up Lokayuktas within 365 days. States have the freedom to determine the nature and type of Lokayukta. The old bill said the law shall be applicable to states only if they give consent to its application. The old bill gave power to the central government to appoint state Lokayuktas while the new draft gives this power to the states.

 2. Constitution of Lokpal: The Lokpal will consist of a chairperson and a maximum of eight members, of which fifty percent shall be judicial members. Fifty percent members of Lokpal shall be from among SC, ST, OBCs, minorities and women. The older version said the chairperson shall be the Chief Justice of India or a present or former judge of the Supreme Court or a non-judicial member with specified qualifications (chief justice or a judge of a high court).

 3. Selection of Lokpal: The selection committee will have prime minister, Lok Sabha speaker, leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha and the Chief Justice of India. A fifth member of the selection committee for selection of Lokpal under the category of "eminent jurist" may be nominated by the president on the basis of recommendation of the first four members of the selection committee. In the old bill, selection of the fifth person was left entirely to the president.

 4. Religious bodies and trust: The new bill includes societies and trusts that collect public money, receive funding from foreign sources, and have an income level above a certain threshold, it excludes bodies creating endowments for or performing religious or charitable functions. The old bill expanded definition of public servant by bringing societies and trusts which receive donations from the public (over a specified annual income) and, organisations which receive foreign donations (over Rs.10 lakh a year) within the purview of the Lokpal.

 5. Prosecution: In the new version, before taking a decision on filing a charge sheet in a case upon consideration of the investigation report, the Lokpal may authorise its own prosecution wing or the concerned investigating agency to initiate prosecution in special courts. Under the old bill, prosecution of the case could be done only by the prosecution wing of the Lokpal.

 6. Central Bureau of Investigation: For independence of the CBI, in the new bill a directorate of prosecution will be formed. Appointment of the director of prosecution will be on the recommendation of the Central Vigilance Commissioner. Transfer of officers of CBI investigating cases referred by Lokpal will be only with the approval of Lokpal who will also have superintendence over CBI in relation to Lokpal referred cases.

 7. Hearing: The new bill says a government servant will get a hearing before a decision is taken by the Lokpal.

 8. Prime Minister: The prime minister will be under the purview of the Lokpal with subject matter exclusions and specific process for handling complaints against the prime minister.

 9. Investigation: Inquiry has to be completed within 60 days and investigation to be completed within six months. Lokpal shall order an investigation only after hearing the public servant. Inquiry against the prime minister has to be held in-camera and approved by two-thirds of the full bench of the Lokpal.

 10. Penalty: False and frivolous complaints - imprisonment up to one year and a fine of up to Rs.1 lakh. Public servants - imprisonment up to seven years. Criminal misconduct and habitually abetting corruption - jail term up to 10 years.

Secrets of Nadi Astrology

Nadi astrological leaves are written by Siddhas and The Siddhas use their intuitive ability to look into the past and future of the individuals.

One’s natal chart is clearly the representation of one’s karma.   the future prediction is not 100% correct in all cases. It varies from person to person and the average accuracy ranges from 30 to 55 %. Why are not the Siddhas unable to predict 100%? when this question was put to the Siddhas themselves. The answers came and are interesting. They said that the clients who came with a sincere frame of mind got better results than the clients who were cynical. This is true in daily life. You become as you think.    

Nadi astrology offers remedies for all kinds of bad karma. This involves visits to certain temples, performing rituals like donation to saints, virgins, married women and others. The

remedies are based on the karma that each one has done in their past lives. Another important remedy is worshipping the yantra of the planet properly energized. It is better to worship the yantra of the devata of the planet rather than the planet itself. Also, it is important to pay a visit to Suryanarkoil regardless of what your karma is. The unique nature of Suryanarkoil is that the planets here are devoid of their weapons. Mantras used in the temple also do not refer to their malefic qualities. According to tradition, Lord Siva commissioned planets to be benign at Suryanarkoil.

लाल किताब (असली प्रतिलिपि ) Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab is a set of five Urdu language books on Hindu astrology and palmistry, written in the 19th century, based on the Samudrika Shastra. Poetic verses with philosophy and hidden nuances form the core farmanns or upaya of the book.

लाल किताब ज्योतिष का एक ग्रंथ है। भारत के पंजाब प्रांत के ग्राम फरवाला (जिला जालंधर) के निवासी पंडित रूप चंद जोशी जी ने इसे सम् १९३९ में इसकी रचना की। इस किताब को मूल रूप से उर्दू एवं फारसी भाषा में लिखा गया है। यह ग्रंथ सामुद्रिक तथा समकालीन ज्योतिष पर आधारित है.

‘लाल किताब’ ज्योतिर्विद्या की एक स्वतन्त्र और मौलिक सिद्धान्तों पर आधारित एक अनोखी पुस्तक है। इसकी कुछ अपनी निजी विशेषताएँ हैं, जो अन्य सैद्धान्तिक अथवा प्रायोगिक फलित ज्योतिष-ग्रन्थों से हटकर हैं। इसकी सबसे बड़ी विशेषता ग्रहों के दुष्प्रभावों से बचने के लिए जातक को ‘टोटकों’ का सहारा लेने का संदेश देना है। ये टोटके इतने सरल हैं कि कोई भी जातक इनका सुविधापूर्वक सहारा लेकर अपना कल्याण कर सकता है। काला कुत्ता पालना, कौओं को खिलाना, क्वाँरी कन्याओं से आशीर्वाद लेना, किसी वृक्ष विशेष को जलार्पण करना, कुछ अन्न या सिक्के पानी में बहाना, चोटी रखना, सिर ढँक कर रखना इत्यादि । ऐसे कुछ टोटकों के नमूने हैं, जिनके अवलम्बन से जातक ग्रहों के अनिष्टकारी प्रभावों से अनायास की बचा जाता है। कीमती ग्रह रत्नों (मूंगा, मोती, पुखराज, नीलम, हीरा आदि। में हजारों रुपयों का खर्च करने के बजाय जातक इन टोटकों के सहारे बिना किसी खर्च के (मुफ्त में) या अत्यल्प खर्च द्वारा ग्रहों के दुष्प्रभावों से अपनी रक्षा कर सकता है।

‘लाल किताब’ में धर्माचरण और सदाचरण के बल पर ग्रह दोष निवारण का झण्डा ऊँचा किया है, जिससे हमारा इहलोक तो बनेगा ही, परलोक भी बनेगा।

‘लाल किताब’ में विभिन्न प्रकार के ग्रह दोषों से बचाव के लिए सैकड़ों टोटकों का विधान है। जीवन का कोई ऐसा पक्ष नहीं है, जिससे संबंधित टोटके न बतलाये गये हों।

यह ज्योतिष के सिधान्तो और हस्तरेखा के सिधान्तो को सरल रूप से समझाता है.

इस ग्रन्थ में मानव मस्तिष्क के 42 प्रभागों को जन्म कुंडली के विभिन्न घरों से संबंधित कर दिया गया है. 

हस्तरेखा के सिधान्तो और व्यक्ति की जन्म कुंडली में विभिन्न ग्रहों की स्थिति से व्यक्तित्व के विभिन्न पहलुओ का बताया जा सकता है.

लाल किताब में कष्ट निवारण के लिए कुछ सरल उपाय बताये गए है, जो की मुसीबत में फसे व्यक्ति के लिए वरदान स्वरुप है.

उपाय के तौर पर महंगे यज्ञ और हवन आदि महेंगी रस्मो की आवश्यकता नही है.

लाल किताब कुछ सरल उपायों की मदद से जटिल समस्याओ का हल बता सकती है.

यन्त्र मंत्र और तंत्र से ये उपाय बहुत अलग है.

लाल किताब में सुझाये उपाय बहुत ही सरल और सुरक्षित है. ये किसी भी तरह से किसीको हानि नही पहुचाते, और पुरी तरह से ग्रहों के कस्त्दायक प्रभाव को नियंत्रित करते है.

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Oracle Magazine November/December 2013

This issue includes the usual mix of news, community, customer-focus, and technology stories, with a spotlight on cloud computing and Oracle engineered systems. The November/December 2013 issue of Oracle Magazine presents the benefits of database as a service, the install-base success of Oracle Exadata, and more in our continuing coverage of the event that is Oracle Database 12c, with interview and hands-on technology articles that focus on top features in the new database release.

Here are some highlights from the November/December 2013 issue:

Cover Feature: Engineering as a Service
Organizations are turning to Oracle Exadata for consolidation and deployment of database as a service in private clouds.

Interview: C is for Cloud, Consolidation, and Customers (with podcast)
Andy Mendelsohn, senior vice president of database server technologies at Oracle, explains how Oracle customers inspired the genesis and marquee features of Oracle Database 12c.

Database Storage Management: Automatic Data Optimization
Oracle technologist Arup Nanda explains how to enable information lifecycle management in Oracle Database 12c to automatically move data to lower-cost storage tiers and compress it.

PL/SQL: SQL in PL/SQL Enhancements
PL/SQL evangelist Steven Feuerstein demonstrates how Oracle Database 12c enhances writing and executing SQL in PL/SQL.

Ask Tom: Oracle Database 12c, Part 2
Our technologist—Tom Kyte—finds a match for his SQL and makes his undo temporary.

Heal Yourself 101: Get Younger & Never Get Sick Again

The definitive book on self-healing and true health. This is one of the most practical step-by-step manuals ever written to totally transform your life from sickness and disease to total life-long health. This is nothing short of reclaiming the sexy youth we once had. Never get sick again. Ever. True healing doesn't cost anything. You do this in your own home, using live RAW FOODS, easy detoxing, sunlight, sexuality, movement, sleep and all natural methods. Feel the passion again. This is true transformation. Right to the point and so easy to understand, a six year old can read this. Written with boundless love, magic and spiritual enlightenment, the words contained in these pages will reignite your true passion for life. It's all about awakening the planet to a new way of living in body, mind and spirit. The only way to heal the planet is to heal ourselves first, and Markus shows us how to do it naturally, the way nature intended. It is no coincidence you have this book. This was written for YOU. Without health you have nothing.

भारतीय इतिहास की भंकायर भूले - पी एन ओक

भारतीय इसिहास की भयंकर भूले - श्री पी. एन. ओक द्वारा लिखी गई यह पुस्तक हर भारतीय को पढ़नी चाहिए, हमारा दावा है कि इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद आपकी आखें खुल जायेगी और आज तक जो भी आपने स्कूल या कॉलेज में पढ़ा होगा, वो सब झूठ लगने लगेगा, आपको मालुम होगा कि जो भी आप आजतक जानते थे वो सब तो झूठ था ..

कौन कहता है अकबर महान था ? - पी एन ओक

कौन कहता है अकबर महान था ? यह पुस्तक श्री पुरुषोत्तम नागेश ओक जी द्वारा लिखी गई वो सच्चाई है जिससे बहुत से लोग परिचित नहीं होंगे, एक बार जरुर पढ़े और साँझा करे ..


The Indian Way

Writing this book has been simultaneously a way of expressing my gratitude for what I have received from the Indian tradition and a way of exploring this tradition further. The voices of India's great thinkers, speaking through her rich philosophical and religious traditions, have revealed many wonderful secrets of the human heart and mind, enriching my personal existence and illuminating my own culture. this book is a way of sharing what I have received and inviting you to join in the exploration of the Indian way and the process of self-discovery. throughout, I have attempted to let the Indian way speak for itself, to be its voice, rather than to express my own opinions.

Seed Sounds for Tuning the Chakras: Vowels, Consonants, and Syllables for Spiritual Transformation

A practical guide to vocally resonating your energetic and psychological centers to balance the emotions, purify the soul, and dissipate negative states 

• Explores the intimate connections between specific sounds and syllables, the 7 chakras, and their corresponding psychological traits 
• Provides toning exercises using these seed sounds to re-tune and purify the chakras, leading to spiritual transformation and wholeness as energetic blockages and negative states are dissipated 

Using the Sacred Alphabet--the universal sounds of all languages--sound-healing teacher James D’Angelo explores the intimate connections between vowel, consonant, and syllable combinations, each of the 7 chakras, and their corresponding psychological traits. He explains, for example, how the vowel sound “uh” connects to the root chakra and is found in such words as “support” and “trust,” words deeply linked to the emotional character of this chakra. Revealing the voice as the master instrument for transformation--attested by the spiritual traditions that use chanting as an aid to enlightenment--he provides an extensive selection of vocal exercises to re-tune and purify each chakra and dissipate any related negative states as well as exercises that incorporate multiple chakras for general well-being. The accompanying 66-minute CD guides you through each exercise and the proper toning of each chakra’s sounds. 

In uniting these sacred seed sounds with their corresponding chakras and psychologies, the author shows how you can enhance the power of these syllables and purposefully harness them for healing, states of deep meditation, and spiritual development. By bringing you closer to the voice of the Absolute, your own voice can be the conduit to the blissful union the soul so deeply desires.

The Muslim Brotherhood: From Opposition to Power

In this authoritative analysis, Alison Pargeter follows the twists and turns of the Muslim Brotherhood as it battled through the years of oppression under authoritarian regimes to finally become a key and legitimate political actor. 

From Egypt and Syria to Tunisia and Libya, the Brotherhood and its afiliates are now faced with the complex task of transforming themselves from semi-clandestine opposition movements into legitimate political actors and, in some cases, into ruling powers. This is a fully updated edition with a new chapter covering the Arab Spring and subsequent parliamentary and Presidential elections in Egypt,and featuring revised introduction and conclusion.

Quantum Buddhism

Quantum Buddhism - Mahajrya Bodhana Sutra, Teachings on Awakening to the Great Field. Quantum Buddhism aims at providing a set of tools to develop a scientific-spiritual approach to the world, unburdened by traditional cultural ritualistic and dogmatic weight, where development of the self prevails to become a conscious scientific instrument. Along reading this book, you will learn a good basis of theory and application of this technique on transcending the human senses to perceive the spiritual world. 

The Unified Quantum Field is for science what the Supreme Consciousness is for spirituality. Each wave function of the multidimensional quantum field is a thought of the highest nature in the Supreme Consciousness. Each of these supreme thoughts comprises the whole of an experience of life. 

Every parameter of a human thought, a signal in the nervous system, an action, an interaction, a sensation and the awareness of the experience is a single equation resumed as a quantum wave function that is selfcontained within all its parameters. Everything is ONE.

Oracle Magazine July/Aug 2013

This issue includes the usual mix of news, community, customer-focus, and technology stories, with spotlights on hardware and open source software. This issue looks at new SPARC microprocessors, the Oracle Database Appliance engineered system, MySQL, and open source software highlights through the years.

Here are some highlights from the July/Aug 2013 issue:

Blazing Performance:

Oracle unveiled two new SPARC microprocessors, SPARC T5 and SPARC M5; introduced a portfolio of systems based on these chips; and reported that the new SPARC T5–based systems have set 17 world records. Read how the revolutionary SPARC microprocessor design is moving software into silicon to power the world’s fastest database, Java, and middleware servers.

Grow Up, Branch Out:

Does your organization need to locate servers in customer countries, update hardware, reduce operating costs, improve performance, and expand systems with the business? Read how organizations are using Oracle Database Appliance to meet regulations, consolidate systems, simplify operations, deliver Oracle engineered system performance, and scale up their systems with pay-as-you- grow licensing.

Interview: The Shine of Open Source (with podcast)
MySQL puts the M and the power in LAMP.

Up Close: Cloud Builders Unite (with video)
Bloggers, tweeters, and user groups work to form a cloud builder community.

Ask Tom: On Randomness, Syntax, and Mutation
Our technologist—Tom Kyte—gets deterministic, delimited, and the opposite of trigger-happy.

Time Capsule
When did you discover open source software? Take a look back at some open source milestones.

Download it and Enjoy!

Women in Islam: Reflections on Historical and Contemporary Research

The role of women in Islamic societies, not to mention in the religion itself, is a defining issue. It is also one that remains resistant to universal dogma, with a wide range of responses to women’s social roles across the Islamic world. Reflecting this heterogeneity, the editor of this volume has assembled the latest research on the issue, which combines contemporary with historical data. The material comes from around the world as well as from Muslim and non-Muslim researchers. 

It takes in work from majority Muslim nations such as Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey, as well as countries with troubled interfaith relations such as India and Israel. Nations with minority Muslim populations such as France, the UK, Canada and Australia, are also represented. The work also features varying Islamic sub-groups such as the two main ones, Sunni and Shi’a, as well as less well known populations such as the Ismaili Muslims. In each case, the work is underpinned by the very latest socio-theological insights and empirical data.

Advanced Sex Magic: The Hanging Mystery Initiation

The first English translation of Maria de Naglowska’s treatise on advanced sexual magic practices, Le mystère de la pendaison 

 • Details Naglowska’s advanced occult teachings on the Third Term of the Trinity and the spiritually transformative power of sex 

 • Explains the mystical erotic hanging rituals of La confrérie de la Flèche d’Or [The Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow], the notorious occult order of 1930s Paris 

 • Continues the sexual initiatory teachings first expounded in Naglowska’s The Light of Sex Available for the first time in English, Advanced Sex Magic illuminates the revolutionary occult teachings of Maria de Naglowska--Russian mystic, esoteric high priestess, and self-styled “Satanic Woman” of 1930s Paris. Her religious system, called the Third Term of the Trinity, considered the Holy Spirit (or Wholesome Spirit) to be feminine and taught the importance of sex for the regeneration of the world and the uplifting of humanity. 

 A complement to her The Light of Sex, this book on the hanging mystery initiation details her advanced teachings on the Third Term of the Trinity and the spiritually transformative power of sex and reveals the erotic ritual hanging and other sensory deprivation practices of her magical group, La confrérie de la Flèche d’Or [The Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow]. These advanced mystical sexual practices were required for initiation into the brotherhood, and, as Naglowska shows, only through the union of the masculine and the feminine can we bring about a reconciliation of the light and dark forces in nature.

Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing

Encoded within your body, teaches Caroline Myss, is an energy system linking you directly to the world’s great spiritual traditions and the divine energy that seamlessly connects all life. On Anatomy of the Spirit, Myss surveys our most revered wisdom traditions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism, and identifies seven specific levels of spiritual development – the stages of power in life. These seven great truths also grace the human body as an energetic system – a spiritual compass pointing the way to better health and spiritual guidance. With research, examples, and self-diagnostic guidelines.

Yogic Management Of Common Diseases

Deals with 36 common as well as serious diseases afflicting the human body. Diseases covered include those affecting the head and neck, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract, the joint and musculoskeletal system, and the urogenital system. Basic information is provided about the causes and effects of each condition from both the yogic and medical viewpoints. In depth yogic management of each disease is also presented along with the current medical treatment, dietary recommendations and other advice.

Encyclopedia of Terrorism

Terrorism has emerged as one of the main foreign and national policy challenges of the 21st century. Encyclopedia of Terrorism provides comprehensive coverage of the events, individuals, groups, incidents, and trends in terrorism in the modern era.

This essential work presents accurate, concise, and crucial information on developments since the watershed events of September 11, 2001, providing readers with an invaluable reference tool for understanding major developments that have occurred in domestic and international terrorism. The work is fully cross-referenced to provide a comprehensive research tool for high school students, academics, security analysts, and other readers interested in the study of terrorism.

Reminiscences of Nehru Age (1978) Truth about Jawharlal Nehru

'M.O. Mathai, Nehru's Special Assistant and alter ego between 1946 and 1959, was reputed to be the most powerful man after the Prime Minister during the years that he served Jawaharlal.  

For over a decade that he was at the very hub of the decision-making process, Mathai was the only one to know everything about Nehru, most especially the first Prime Minister's private thoughts about Politics, Congress leaders, Bureaucrats, Money, Women, Sex, and Alcohol, along with much else that attracted his attention off and on. 

Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 15th May 2013

Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section(ii) dated 15th May 2013
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
(Department of Pharmaceuticals)
New Delhi
Dated 15th ___May 2013
25 Vaisakha Saka 1935

S.O. 1221(E).– In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, (10 of 1955), and supersession of the Drug (Prices Control) Order, 1995, except as respect to things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following Order, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement.– (1) This Order may be called the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, 2-Volume Set

As you drive through the cornfields of northern Illinois, just north of the town of Aurora, you may see a massive brick building that seems out of place. It stands three or four stories high with an elaborate facade depicting pillars and cornices. Topped by towering spires with flapping banners, it looks as if it belongs to another world. In a sense it does—the architectural style comes from southern India, and the building itself is a Hindu temple.

I was there late on a Sunday morning, and the parking lot was about half full. There were cars from as far away as Michigan. The building’s main entrance was a little below ground level, and as is common with Hindu temples outside of India, the lowest level had a lobby, a kitchen, and a large meeting room that was comparable to the “church basements” of its Christian counterparts. The lobby was furnished austerely, with folding tables and chairs. There were a few people sitting near the kitchen, drinking tea and chatting informally.

By the staircases leading upstairs to the temple room were rows of simple shelves, fronted by low benches. I removed my shoes, as is customary before entering a temple, both to preserve the temple and to signify that one is walking on holy ground. The staircase marked the threshold between two regions, the outer and the inner world. Upstairs, the temple was richly decorated. The presiding deity was Venkateshvara, a form of the god Vishnu, whose image was placed in the center of the temple, the most important space. Yet, as in most Hindu temples, there were images of deities from throughout the pantheon: Ganesh, Shiva, Subrahmanya, other forms of Vishnu, different forms of the Goddess, and various subsidiary deities. Most of the images were carved from black South Indian granite and polished to a mirror like finish. Many were housed in small shrines built out of white marble. The primary function of a Hindu temple is to serve as the home for the deities it contains, and it was clear that the people who had commissioned the temple had spared no efforts. The temple had been lovingly built and has been carefully maintained.

Java: A Beginner's Guide, 4th edition

Let master programmer and bestselling author Herbert Schildt teach you the fundamentals of Java programming. Updated for the newest version of Java (Java SE 6), this step-by-step guide will have you programming in Java right from the start. Herb begins by explaining why Java is the preeminent programming language of the Internet, how it relates to object-oriented programming (OOP), and the general form of a Java program. Then it's on to data types, operators, control statements, classes, objects, and methods. Next, you'll learn about inheritance, exception handling, the I/O system, and multithreading. 

More advanced topics such as generics, interfaces, applets, and enumerations are also covered. The book ends with an introduction to Swing, Java's powerful GUI toolkit. Start programming in Java today with help from this fast-paced, hands-on tutorial.

Building Afghanistan's Security Forces in Wartime: The Soviet Experience

Security force assistance is central to the counterinsurgency campaign of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan. The outcome will hinge on the effectiveness of the assistance provided to the Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police, and other security forces. This report provides an overview of Soviet efforts to improve and facilitate the training and development of Afghan security forces.

The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad

Muhammad’s was a life of almost unparalleled historical importance; yet for all the iconic power of his name, the intensely dramatic story of the prophet of Islam is not well known. In The First Muslim, Lesley Hazleton brings him vibrantly to life. Drawing on early eyewitness sources and on history, politics, religion, and psychology, she renders him as a man in full, in all his complexity and vitality.

Hazleton’s account follows the arc of Muhammad’s rise from powerlessness to power, from anonymity to renown, from insignificance to lasting significance. How did a child shunted to the margins end up revolutionizing his world? How did a merchant come to challenge the established order with a new vision of social justice? How did the pariah hounded out of Mecca turn exile into a new and victorious beginning? How did the outsider become the ultimate insider?

Impeccably researched and thrillingly readable, Hazleton’s narrative creates vivid insight into a man navigating between idealism and pragmatism, faith and politics, nonviolence and violence, rejection and acclaim. The First Muslim illuminates not only an immensely significant figure but his lastingly relevant legacy.

अब भी न जागे तो (Ab Bhi Na Jaage To) (मौलाना आचार्य शम्‍स नवेद उस्‍मानी)

जिस पुस्‍तक ने उर्दू जगत में तहलका मचा दिया था और लाखों भारतीय मुसलमानों को अपने हिन्‍दू भाईयों एवं सनातन धर्म के प्रति अपने द़ष्टिकोण को बदलने पर मजूर कर दिया था, उसका यह हिन्‍दी रूपान्‍तर है, 

पुस्‍तक के लेखक हैं - महान सन्‍त एवं विद्वान मौलाना आचार्य शम्‍स नवेद उस्‍मानी के धार्मिक तुलनात्‍मक अध्‍ययन पर आधारित , धार्मिक तुलनात्‍मक अध्‍ययन के जाने माने लेखक और स्वर्गीय सन्‍त के प्रिय शिष्‍य एस. अब्‍दुल्लाह तारिक, स्वर्गीय मौलाना ही के एक योग्‍य शिष्‍य जावेद अन्‍जुम (प्रवक्‍ता अर्थ शास्त्र) के हाथों पुस्तक के अनुवाद द्वारा यह संभव हो सका है कि अनुवाद में मूल पुस्‍तक के असल भाव का प्रतिबिम्‍ब उतर आए इस्लाम की ज्‍योति में मूल सनातन धर्म के भीतर झांकाने का सार्थक प्रयास हिन्‍दी प्रेमियों के लिए प्रस्‍तुत है.

नि: शुल्क डाउनलोड करें

My Spiritual Journey By Dalai Lama

One of the world’s greatest spiritual leaders reflects on his commitments as a human being, a Buddhist monk, and the fourteenth Dalai Lama. Stril-Rever, the Dalai Lama’s longtime translator, has collected his autobiographical musings, dharma talks, and public speeches, and provided informative commentary, to create a book of clarion essays shaped by the Dalai Lama’s wisdom, intellect, kindness, and humor, as well as his experiences of persecution, exile, and world travels. Readers both well versed in and new to the Dalai Lama’s teachings will make invaluable discoveries as the Dalai Lama emphasizes our common humanity, our interdependence, and the need for us to “cultivate a greater sense of universal responsibility.” The Dalai Lama calls for religious harmony and expresses his support for secular democracy and his hope for a peaceful resolution of the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Most forcefully, and poetically, the Dalai Lama voices his growing concern over global environmental degradation. We must act together to protect nature, the source of our survival, the Dalai Lama writes, assuring us that if the Buddha returned, “He would be an ecologist!”

Think India: The Rise of the World's Next Superpower and What It Means for Every American

With 1.1 billion residents, the world’s largest democracy is poised to dominate the world stage. One of India’s wealthiest men gives an insider’s view into his country’s dynamic transformation, revealing the forces and unique characteristics behind India’s meteoric rise.

The buzzword of the twenty-first century is India—and it’s not just a story of software, outsourcing, and faraway call centers. With the economy soaring at 8 percent a year, India is a medical and pharmaceutical frontrunner, an R&D powerhouse, a rising manufacturing hub, and an up-and-coming cultural trendsetter in areas from fashion to film. And the world is taking note: Western companies from Lockheed Martin to McDonald’s are moving in, Ford is setting up factories, Coca Cola is heading to the countryside in rickshaws, and research centers for Fortune 500 companies are popping up everywhere. Meanwhile, the U.S. military is forging close ties, as India has become a key strategic partner.

Steel tycoon turned educator Vinay Rai, who now runs one of India’s two private universities— with fifteen campuses nationwide—couples with geopolitical writer Melissa Rossi to map out the rising new India. This colorful, lively, forward-looking account of India’s stunning world debut is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand India’s new muscle on the global stage.

• One out of every six people in the world lives in India.
• India’s top trading partner is the United States. 
• India is:
The fastest-growing free market economy
The world’s top destination for retailers
The world’s youngest workforce (over 500 millionunder age twenty-five)

Jeremy Harmer, Advanced Speaking Skills

Like its companion volume Advanced Writing Skills, the present book focuses on the needs of the learner a t the advanced level. A t this level, grammatical accuracy alone is simply not enough for successful communication, particularly in speech.

Albert Einstein: Brilliant Scientist (Beginner Biographies)

Begin the journey into the lives of important people in history with Beginner Biographies. These simple, illustrated biographies provide a perfect entry point for learning about history. The childhood, education, and discoveries of the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein are presented with short, simple text for the elementary school audience. 

Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-Being

A manual for relating to the brain in a revolutionary new way, Super Brain shows you how to use your brain as a gateway for achieving health, happiness, and spiritual growth. The authors are two pioneers: bestselling author and physician Deepak Chopra and Harvard Medical School professor Rudolph E. Tanzi, one of the world's foremost experts on the causes of Alzheimer’s. They have merged their wisdom and expertise for a bold new understanding of the “three-pound universe” and its untapped potential.

In contrast to the “baseline brain” that fulfills the tasks of everyday life, Chopra and Tanzi propose that, through a person’s increased self-awareness and conscious intention, the brain can be taught to reach far beyond its present limitations. “We are living in a golden age for brain research, but is this a golden age for your brain?” they ask.

Super Brain explains how it can be, by combining cutting-edge research and spiritual insights, demolishing the five most widespread myths about the brain that limit your potential, and then showing you methods to:

-Use your brain instead of letting it use you
-Create the ideal lifestyle for a healthy brain
-Reduce the risks of aging
-Promote happiness and well-being through the mind-body connection
-Access the enlightened brain, the gateway to freedom and bliss
-Overcome the most common challenges, such as memory loss, depression, anxiety, and obesity

Your brain is capable of incredible healing and constant reshaping. Through a new relationship with your brain you can transform your life. In Super Brain, Chopra and Tanzi guide you on a fascinating journey that envisions a leap in human evolution. The brain is not just the greatest gift that Nature has given us. It’s the gateway to an unlimited future that you can begin to live today.

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